#Nadafest 4 starts this Friday at Substation in Ballard! Lo Flux favorites Patrick Galactic, DIRTY DIRTY, and Actionesse join a lineup of 25 bands over 3 days. Admission is just $10 a day, this the fest that feels like a spectacularly-organized house party with an all-star selection of booze and friends! You can learn more about #Nadafest in our interview with the festival organizers, Matt Ashworth and Tim Basaraba.

Richie Dagger's Crime capped off a huge week by playing an incredible set at The Sunset on Friday. Their new LP Sea of Dysfunction is out now everywhere. Listen on Spotify
RDC embark on a tour starting this Friday. Check out the dates below.
10/22 - Brick and Mortar - San Francisco
10/26 - TBA - Boise, ID
10/27 - TBA - Reno, NV
Hel Mary's new video "Saturn's Throne" was shown at the Babylon Death Party at Fred Wildlife Refuge last week! Stay tuned for a digital premier date.
Fluxin' About
DIRTY DIRTY and Patrick Galactic join a loaded bill for Night 1 of Nadafest on Friday, October 19th. Get info
Actionesse will bring horncore to Substation on Night 2 of Nadafest on Saturday, October 20th. Get info
Charlie and the Rays join Kuinka and Kris Orlowski for a show at Neumos on Saturday, October 20th. Get tickets
DIRTY DIRTY returns to Bellingham for a bill with Black Beast Revival and Stereo Bones at The Firefly Lounge on Saturday, October 20th at The Firefly Lounge. Get info
Cloud Person release their next album at Tractor Tavern on Wednesday, October 24th. Get tickets
Asterhouse will be part of Freak Fest 5 at Manette Saloon in Bremerton on October 27th. Get tickets
Patrick Galactic's Lo-Fi All Stars returns to The High Dive on November 4th with performances by Andy Ayers of Black Giraffe, Champagne Honeybee, and Wes Sp8. Get tickets
Breaks and Swells join The Puscie Jones Revue and Bear Axe for an amazing night of music at The Central Saloon Saturday, November 10th. Get tickets
Nearby will return to Seattle with Stres at The Sunset on November 25th. Get tickets