Artist Home premiered the video for "We Will Not Despair", the title track from the latest Breaks and Swells LP, last week. "The dark cloud of the current State of the Union has informed a lot of art, and Breaks and Swells’ latest single is no exception. Miller’s singing is more fiery, and the matters of the heart that have always fixated Breaks and Swells now walk hand in hand with a pronounced socio-political awareness."
Quick Notes
Actionesse got the whole crowd moving at the taping of their episode of Band in Seattle. Don't miss it when it comes out this Fall!
The Lo Flux Media Super Show at Sunset was LIT AF last Saturday! Hotels, The Spider Ferns and Patrick Galactic all gave commanding performances and DJ Pepperazzi and Blazinspace kept the mood hot the entire night!
The Spider Ferns and Blazinspace trekked out to Granite Falls and gave a transcendent performance at Cascadia Festival the next day.
Fluxin' About
Charlie and the Rays and Great American Trainwreck will perform at Secret Society in Portland on Friday, 08/03. Get tickets
Actionesse will join Porn Bloopers, For Your Health, and Laser Beam at Victory Lounge on Friday. More info
The Spider Ferns will be a part of SEANCE with Myrrh Larsen on Saturday, 08/04 in Portland. More info